The Importance of Electrolyte Balance
Wondering what’s the key to optimized performance? You might say it is balance. You have to balance your hard workouts with recovery, balance the good and bad stress in your life, balance work / play / family time. You also need to find balance in your nutrition – particularly in your electrolyte levels.
The Difference Between Glucose and Fructose
Glucose and fructose share the same molecular formula (C6H12O6), but are arranged differently, resulting in stark differences in their metabolism. Seemingly not a big deal, the arrangement of atoms in similar molecules makes a huge difference in how they are used.
Why Is Potassium Important?
Potassium is the 3rd most abundant mineral in our bodies. While clinical potassium deficiency is uncommon, the vast majority of us don’t get enough potassium daily.
Glucose and Diabetics
People with diabetes are able to enjoy a regular, and even competitive, exercise program much like other athletes. In general, exercise will lower blood sugar levels in everyone, including diabetics; however, diabetics have specific challenges with exercise and maintaining their blood sugar levels.
The Effect of High Glycemic Index Foods on Athletic Performance
Understanding the effect that high glycemic index foods effect athletic performance can be beneficial for athletes interested in optimizing their performance through proper sports nutrition. First you need to understand what the glycemic index is and it’s relationship to athletic performance.
What is Maltodextrin and Should You Use Gels That Contain It?
Maltodextrin is a synthetically manufactured long-chain carbohydrate. We stick to glucose as our sole carbohydrate energy source because unlike other carbohydrates, glucose starts giving you energy immediately without the need for your stomach to digest it to be usable for your body.